Thursday, August 6, 2015

The Civilisation of the Greeks

    Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

            Subject:  western Civilisation

                         Reading Report


Deng Kheng

Submitted to Lecturer:   Ros Sena

Batch: IV
Year: I
Academic Year: 2015-2016
Shift: Morning (Monday-Friday)

Deadline:  10/03/2014

Name: Deng Kheng
Reading Report
Chapter:3 The Civilization of the Greeks
The Greeks in a dark age (1100-c. 750 B.C)
During the Dark Age, large numbers of Greeks left the mainland and migrated across the Aegean Sea to various inlands and especially to the southwestern shore of Asian Minor, a strip of territory that came to be called Ionia. Based of their dialect the Greeks who resided thee were called Ionians. Two other major groups of Greeks settled in established part of Greece. Colonized the large island of Lesbos and the adjacent territory on the northwestern coast of Asia Minor. Homer and Homeric Greece on from generation to generation. It is generally assumed that early in the eighth century  B.C, his epic of the Trojan War. The war caused by an act  of Paris a prince of troy. But the lliad is not so much the story of the war itself as it is the tale of the Greek hero Achilles and how the led to disaster. Although the lliad and the Odyssey supposedly deal with the heroes of  the Mycenaean age of the thirteenth century B.C Many scholars believe that they really describe the social conditions of the Dark Age.
The world of the Greek city-state (750-c. 500 B.C.) in the eighth century B.C. greek were the chief features civilization burst forth with new energies beginning the period that historians have called the Archaic Age of Greece. Two major development stand out in this era the evolution of thee polis thee central institution in Greek life and the Greeks’ civilization of the Mediterranean. A new Military System the Greek way of war as the polis developed so  did a new military. In the new world of the Greek city-state war became an integral part of the  Greek way of life. Colonization and the Growth of trade Greek expansion overseas was  another major development of the Archaic Age.

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